Javelin Alliances

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Javelin Alliances

A Community for all Javelin alliance members


    Javelin Team
    Javelin Team

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2012-03-14
    Location : Puerto Rico

    myself Empty myself

    Post  TroubleMkr Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:21 pm

    Hello everyone my name is andres ( TroubleMkr in game). im 17 yrs old and i live in Puerto Rico ( island on the carribean).Im an evony addict Very Happy tho my time on the game is kinda limited for now ( school+work dont give me much time). i really dont know when i started to play , but i know im very oldish ( still a total noob tho lol! ). my main language is spanish so my english migth not be very good or i sometimes dont understand what you have told me lol. got some experience on the game so i migth be able to help if anyone got a question. as my name says people know me because of me being a trouble maker( not anymore though , it cost me alot he he he...)my exp have got me to take 12s/14s Historic Cities and steal Historic Heroes from other players Twisted Evil
    i dont know what else to say so i think this is all for now x).cya all on the game and happy hunting Wink

    ps: i never paid attention on the paragraph classes so thats why its messed up( talking about evony then me then evony and all other stuff )

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:09 pm