Javelin Alliances

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Javelin Alliances

A Community for all Javelin alliance members

    SexyLG Intro

    Javelin Apprentice
    Javelin Apprentice

    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2012-03-15
    Age : 41
    Location : Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

    SexyLG Intro Empty SexyLG Intro

    Post  SLG Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:31 pm

    Lets see here, I am currently host of IRELAND and Presb. in Ireland!!! I have a good grip in Lombardy, holding a few hcs including the capital city Jerusalem at 300,700. Ive been playing since a couple weeks after server opened, I started in Vixens, merge with Draconis (something like that) then we merge with Ireland and I was in Ireland till I took over as host of IRELAND! Smile
    I am friendly, happy go lucky person unless I doing stars... like today lost a 100% chance to succeed!
    I am a lurker but usually easy to get a hold of. Dont mind helping anyone out, just ask.

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