Javelin Alliances

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Javelin Alliances

A Community for all Javelin alliance members

    WallWalker (DarkSide)

    Javelin Team
    Javelin Team

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2012-03-15

    WallWalker (DarkSide) Empty WallWalker (DarkSide)

    Post  WallWalker Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:59 pm

    Hello I am DarkSide but most of u know me as WallWalker or WW i am a Officer of JAVELIN i have not been playing age 2 for very long but i played age 1 sever 90 for almost 2 years

    I was VH of a alliance for 4 months till the Host decided to merge with an alliance that i had problems with so i left and joined Rage and we ran in the top 3 for the rest of the time and i quit about the time age 2 came out.

    I am still small compared to most of you but i am willing to help in any way i can just mail me Twisted Evil

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:52 pm