Javelin Alliances

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Javelin Alliances

A Community for all Javelin alliance members

    John Briks

    John Briks
    John Briks
    Javelin Team
    Javelin Team

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2012-03-14

    John Briks Empty John Briks

    Post  John Briks Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:01 pm

    I am John Briks, a member of Javelin. Most of my free time I spend on evony, building and farming, and then writing while I wait for those to finish.

    I started playing evony a few years ago when age1 was still new. I was a member of several alliances on my age1 server, and served as an officer or presbyter in many of them.

    When age2 was released, a group of my friends from that server moved to na5, where we stayed for a month or so before moving to na20 when it was released. After that, we moved a lot, but many of us became inactive. This was back when na5 was still fairly active.

    My first main alliance on na5 was with BSG and I stayed there for about a year before going solo for a few weeks. After that, I recieved an invite to join Javelin, and here I am to this day.

    I currently send speedups on facebook, but will send anything on request up to viscount-level gifts (for the time being). My facebook name is John Briksil. Add me and mail me on na5 with your facebook name and I'll send an ally request, too.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:45 pm