Javelin Alliances

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Javelin Alliances

A Community for all Javelin alliance members

3 posters

    Be prepared


    Posts : 16
    Join date : 2012-03-14
    Age : 57
    Location : Bagsværd, Denmark

    Be prepared Empty Be prepared

    Post  TrueViking Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:20 am


    Ok guys we need to keep in mind that war can break out at any time so I want to emphasize that we maintain a solid troop count and always be on our toes for anything. This means these following things…
    1. Check to have a decent troop count in every city (these are recommended troop counts but obviously anything exceeding this is great)

    ... Warriors = 250,000+
    Scouts = 400,000+
    Pike = 100,000+
    Sword = 150,000+
    Archers = 150,000+
    Cavlary = 25,000+
    Cataphracts = 10,000+
    Ballista = 8,000+
    Transports = 6,000 (enough to farm and transport stuff)
    Rams = 1,000 (for layering)
    Catapults = 1,000 (for layering)

    2. Make sure you don’t have any cities with suppression set at 100% it is an easy way to get your city backdoored (this means they attack you through another city and your main defenses like archer towers don’t do squat) easy way to get F*ed up
    3. Make sure your gates are open to fight! We cant help you if you don’t open your gates.. and this goes well with your embassy being checked to make sure your allies can Reinforce you.
    4. Make sure you check out any tips and tricks posted on our javelin site.. great way to have an advantage on other players.
    5. Lastly play smart.. and play united

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2012-03-14
    Age : 52

    Be prepared Empty Re: Be prepared

    Post  Praetorian Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:05 am

    Bear in mind, again, these are absolute minimums. This means these troops will buy enough time for you to be reinforced by the alliance in time to be useful.

    Wanna be able to hold out for a while? DOUBLE these numbers!

    Javelin Apprentice
    Javelin Apprentice

    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2012-03-15
    Age : 41
    Location : Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

    Be prepared Empty Re: Be prepared

    Post  SLG Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:21 pm

    As well keep in mind with first attacks (spam to ballie waves) will hit horses FIRST and that can raise your honour quickly. Then pike/sword/arch. As well, archer waves tend to go one for one with pikes - so if 100k archer rainbow hits - 80k to 120k pike dead and your honour will SKYROCKET in very few hits. Which means your heal rate drops drasically in first few hits. BUT if you return archer waves (even warrior waves) you can balance out honour.

    You win battle, your honour goes up, heal rate down.
    You lose battle, your honour goes down, heal rate up.

    When being attacked, build walls with 1 at time and switch it up so always have the most wall variety as you can. You'd be surprised what 1 trap and 1 rolling log can can do when no walls and right layers! Seen a mech go down! (That means it killed troops but only 10% percent of what it could have)

    When being attack, put mayor as best attack hero (if rein'd with best hero, just remove mayor) and put king in city, Youll be able to send 10 waves while having best attack hero to defend

    Closing your gates means your walls die! ATs CAN be taken out by scout bombs just like the rest of the walls - Also means player attacking is losing honour, if they have any, and you gain some (cause it would take a few to kill all walls)

    To help against scout bombs and drafting, always have a minimum of 3.5 times the amount of warriors to archers. 4 times is better.

    When online, and attacking or being hit - take autoheal of in medic camp and do manually - cost far less gold (ALWAYS turn back on when going offline)

    That should help with war readiness! Next Chapter (lol) to learn how to move troops around to best defend on incoming waves as well moving resources around when in loyalty battles. But I need more practice before I will add my 2 cents

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